

Data about Querio users

These are the vendors we use to run our product and manage our relationships with our customers. This data is the data of our users, that access our product at and

These vendors don't have access to data about our own customers' end-users.

You can find the list of subprocessor for your data below

We use the following vendors to operate Querio:

  • Gsuite, DPA
    • Location: USA
    • Purpose: back office operations
    • Data: name and email of Querio users
  • Segment, DPA
    • Location: USA
    • Purpose: Platform tracking infrastructure
    • Data: Email, Name, In-app behaviour of Querio users
  • Google Analytics, DPA
    • Location: USA
    • Purpose: Traffic analytics on marketing site(s)
    • Data: In-app behaviour of Querio users
  • Slack, request DPA via email
    • Location: USA
    • Purpose: Internal company communication
    • Data: email of Querio users
  • Notion, DPA
    • Location: USA
    • Purpose: Internal company documentation
    • Data: name and email of Querio users

Data about your operations

Our data processors are the vendors we use to process our customers' operation data. This would typically include their schema information, schema metadata including table and column names, example values and descriptions.

  • AWS Germany, DPA
    • Location: Germany
    • Purpose: Hosting and real-time data processing
    • Data: Email, Name, In-app behaviour of Querio users and well as all datasource data sent by Querio users simply to post-process and analyze in the name of our users.
  • OpenAI, L.L.C, DPA
    • Location: USA
    • Purpose: Provides large language model processing via APIs.
    • Data: Datasource schema information and general metadata. There is no explicit data shared with this sub-processor.

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